What is a Non-detriment finding?

A non-detriment finding for an Appendix-I or -II species is the result of a science-based assessment that verifies whether a proposed export is detrimental to the survival of that species.

Ultimately, an NDF is a risk analysis based on the best available scientific information. Whenever sound scientific data are available, and there is sufficient capacity to interpret such data, this analysis may be made by means of a desk study. Otherwise, field studies will be necessary to complete any information gaps, e.g., population size and distribution.

An NDF is a decision on whether the removal of a number of specimens from the wild could mean a threat to the species, or whether any such removal is sustainable.

he following general presentations were made at the International Expert Workshop on CITES Non-Detriment Findings l (Cancun, Mexico, 2008), and are recommended for consultation:

CITES Non-Detriment Findings in context, presented by David Morgan Text Presentation

CITES – IUCN Checklist: an example of a means to assist in making NDFs, presented by Alison Rosser Text Presentation

Harvesting theory: relevance to Non-Detriment Findings, presented by Nigel Leader-Williams Text Presentation

Resource Assessment Methods for medicinal and aromatic plants, presented by Uwe Shippmann Text Presentation