Initiatives relating to non-detriment findings for plants in general, and specifically for tree species

The Workshop played a crucial role and encouraged the development of many subsequent initiatives.

The following plant groups were studied:

Working Group Co-Chairs
1 Trees Rafael María Navarro Cerrillo (Spain), James Grogan (USA)
2 Perennials Greg Leach (Australia), Adrianne Sinclair (Canada), in coordination with Andrea White
3 Succulents and Cycads John Donaldson (South Africa), Patricia Dávila (Mexico)
4 Geophytes and Epiphytes Noel McGough (United Kingdom), Beatrice Khayota (Kenya)

Working Group on trees


The following general and specific information was provided to the Working Group on trees prior to the meeting:

The following case studies were also provided to the Working Group on trees:

Case studies Country Document Summary Presentation
1 Gonystylus bancanus (Ramín) Malaysia WG1-CS1 WG1-CS1-S WG1-CS1-P
2 Pericopsis elata (Afrormosia) Cameroon WG1-CS2 WG1-CS2-S WG1-CS2-P
3 Aquilaria malaccensis (Agarwood) Malaysia WG1-CS3 WG1-CS3-S WG1-CS3-P
4 Swietenia macrophylla (Mahogany) Perú, Colombia, Brazil WG1-CS4 WG1-CS4-S WG1-CS4-P
5 Caesalpinia echinata (Brazilwood) Brazil WG1-CS5 WG1-CS5-S WG1-CS5-P
6 Taxus (Yew) Canada WG1-CS6 WG1-CS6-S WG1-CS6-P
7 Guaiacum sanctum (Guayacan) Mexico WG1-CS7 - WG1-CS7-P
8 Prunus africana (African cherry) --- WG1-CS8 WG1-CS8-S WG1-CS8-P
9 Prunus africana (African cherry) Cameroon WG1-CS9 WG1-CS9-S -
10 Swietenia macrophylla (Mahogany) Mexico - - WG1-CSE-P

Results of the Working Group on trees

The Working Group prepared a summary report and a final report, including several annexes, and established the following:

Principles for Non-Detriment Findings for Trees

  1. The inclusion of a species in Appendix II indicates that, based on the available trade and scientific information, and in the view of the Parties, international trade at current rates or patterns has placed it at risk of harm.
  2. A non-detriment finding (NDF) for Appendix II (and Appendix I) species requires CITES Scientific Authorities to verify that traded volumes or products do not cause harm to the species or look-alike species within the range State.
  3. Taking into account that the species and the products derived therefrom are the relevant units of trade, the NDF must consider the biological and environmental parameters associated with the population status of Appendix II species. For trees, the anticipated impact of current or proposed harvests on species population status (structure and dynamics) is the core issue that must be addressed during the NDF process.
  4. The extent to which the species population status has been described, and is understood, determines the scale, quality, and certainty of the relevant NDF.Comprehensive knowledge of nation-wide population structures (stocks) and dynamics (recovery capacity) would allow annual export quotas to be set at the national level, in the confidence that these would be non-detrimental to the species’ survival. Based on the precautionary principle, whenever there is a lack of comprehensive knowledge at the national level, the NDF should be undertaken at the level at which sufficient knowledge exists to verify non-detriment. For the time being, the management unit would normally be the level at which complete or statistically inferred knowledge of population status is sufficient to assess harvest impacts on species survival.
  5. There is sufficient biological information available on Appendix II tree species for harvest and management systems to be proposed where population status is known. Management systems should represent best current practices for the type of species (product) involved, and should be adaptive over time, incorporating new understanding of harvest impacts on species’ population dynamics, as revealed through practice (production) and research.
  6. The risk associated with a negative outcome from an NDF process i.e., the NDF allows exports that are produced unsustainably) declines as the level of understanding of population status and management systems designed to mitigate negative impacts increases.

Initial considerations when making NDFs for tree species

  • First, the Scientific Authority should consider the harvest regime, and determine whether specimens are taken from a plantation or from the wild. If taken from a plantation, the NDF can be made relatively quickly given that it can be taken for granted that the plantation has been verified by the Management Authority, and the removal of the specimens does not affect populations in the wild (thus, implying a low risk).
  • If specimens come from the wild, the Scientific Authority should adopt a more cautious approach, and consider whether the harvest implies removal of the whole tree.
  • If removal of the specimen does not result in the death of the tree (as in the case of some medicinal trees and agarwood-producing species), the guideline of maintaining the resource in the population over time and throughout a recovery period between harvests should be followed, in order to minimize the impact of harvesting on species populations in the wild.
  • If removal of the specimen results in the death of the tree, then, adherence to comprehensive guidelines (encompassing available information, possible methodologies, etc.) is required. The Working Group proposed the following essential elements for such guidelines:

Essential elements of NDFs for tree species


Objective: Characterize the species’ distribution at different spatial and jurisdictional scales so that production and conservation areas can be identified. Suggested scales and tools that may be available include:

National (historical, current) distribution

  • Vegetation and forest cover maps
  • Ecosystem or eco-zoning maps
  • National forest inventories
  • Herbarium collection data (georeferenced)
  • Existing and potential conservation areas

Sub-national (e.g., regions, states, watersheds) distribution

  • National databases, including management units
  • Sub-national forest inventories
  • Sub-national mapping from various sources

Local distribution (forest management unit)

  • Statistical samples from inventories for forest management plans
  • GIS representation of harvest
  • Commercial censuses, ideally based on georeferenced data
  • Local, specialist, and industry knowledge


Objective: Characterize species population status (standing stocks and dynamics) to provide standards for evaluating harvest impacts. Suggested parameters and tools that may be available include:

Population structure: number of individuals, age and/or size distribution, density, volume/quantity

  • Field inventories applying appropriate statistical methods
  • Published studies
  • Reliable proxy data (e.g., local knowledge, historical data)

Population dynamics: rates of mortality, growth, reproduction, regeneration, and recruitment

  • Long-term studies, using appropriate methods
  • Modelling approaches (e.g., matrix)
  • Published studies
  • Reliable proxy data (e.g., local knowledge, historical data)
  • Information on other factors affecting populations (e.g., microsite preferences, pests, disturbances)


Objective: With sufficient knowledge of distribution and population parameters, determine whether management systems are appropriate to species populations subject to harvest, AND whether harvest levels are sustainable. Suggested aspects to review and issues to consider include:

Inventory (or description) of commercial and non-commercial trees, ideally with mapping/spatial referencing

Harvest operations

  • Identification of material to be harvested, understanding that differing harvest systems can be implemented
  • Equipment/tools and methods to be used (appropriate or not)
  • Measures for reducing damages during harvests (direct and environmental)
  • Identification and protection of reserved areas/seed trees/future crop trees

Silvicultural practices

  • Pre- and post-harvest
  • Examples: liana cutting, liberation thinning, seed tree selection

Restoration/alleviation measures/reduction of harvest impacts

  • Seed tree retentions
  • Enrichment planting, with adequate seed selection (e.g., vigour, genetic diversity)
  • Cutting cycle (rotation) or fallow period
  • Post-harvest measures for reducing damages (direct and environmental)

Harvest rate evaluation

  • Standards: intensity (retention %), minimum diameter cutting limit
  • Quantitative knowledge of population status through appropriate statistical methods
  • Expected (current) production and recovery rates (future production)
  • Appropriate scaling methods


Objective: Determine whether adequate monitoring and verification systems are in place to ensure the sustainability of harvest and to reduce illegal activities and illegal trade. These may consist of, or include:

Monitoring and verification systems

  • Pre- and post-harvest review mechanisms to verify management practices
  • Permanent plots to assess harvest impacts on populations
  • Chain of custody from harvest to export
  • Transparent practices that improve control of trade in harvested products
  • Where export quotas have been set, assessment of the extent to which they indicate sustainable harvests

Optimization of timber/non-timber use and processing

  • Conversion/correction factors for translating raw material (e.g., standing volume, pre-processed weights) into processed products (e.g., sawn wood, extracts, etc.)


Objective: Determine whether safeguards are in place to ensure that representative natural populations, the phenotypic and genetic diversity represented in harvested populations, and the role of the species in the ecosystem are covered. Precautionary measures may consist of:

  • Conserving different populations throughout the natural range to ensure phenotypic and genetic diversity
  • Conserving the existing range of age/size classes and distribution of the species while considering processes of natural succession and recruitment
  • Avoiding negative impacts of harvest on other species and on the ecosystem
  • Establishing reserve areas to protect unharvested populations
  • Establishing seed banks and other mechanisms for conservation of germplasm
  • Accounting for the effects of legal and illegal harvesting on species conservation status
  • Giving due consideration to incentives and benefits from harvests (e.g., species/habitat conservation)

The Working Group on trees summarized the problems, errors, challenges, and difficulties faced when making an NDF, as follows:

  • Population parameters, which are considered essential for evaluating harvest impacts, are generally unavailable in the range States.
  • Silvicultural practices for reducing impacts and fostering post-harvest population recovery were found to be rudimentary or inadequate
  • Monitoring systems for verifying management practices and chain-of-custody are lacking
  • Conservation measures are also frequently lacking
  • There is a high frequency of look-alike species within the relevant taxa
  • Effective taxonomic identification of species in trade (and in finished products containing a mixture of species) is often lacking
  • Political will and long-term commitment
  • Human and economic resources
  • Availability of accurate data
  • Time constraints
  • Effective monitoring

To conclude, the Working Group made the following main recommendations to be considered when making an NDF for this taxonomic group:

  • Relevant Scientific Authority with expertise in the taxa concerned.
  • Consult the range of available expertise, including other range States with experience in making NDFs.
  • Use available tools (e.g., species, trade, and other databases on the CITES website, among others).
  • Encourage capacity-building (including e-learning tools) focused on training and long-term development of Scientific Authority expertise
  • Promote research on:
  • Population parameters considered basic to evaluating harvest impacts;
  • Silvicultural practices for reducing impacts and fostering post-harvest population recovery;
  • Monitoring systems for verifying management practices, chain-of-custody, and conservation measures.
  • Training in species identification

Documents submitted to the Conference of the Parties

At its 18th meeting, the Plants Committee examined the outcomes of the International Expert Workshop on Non-detriment findings for tree species, and other existing sources and references, including: “Guidance for CITES Scientific Authorities” (IUCN Checklist), particularly tables 1 and 2 of the IUCN Checklist; the trees working group final report, which sets out the principles for Non-detriment findings; the document Setting export quotas of Prunus africana: Guidelines for a management plan, which provides detailed information on making NDFs for Prunus africana; the case studies on trees from the Cancun Workshop; guidance document EU-SRG4, and other publications.

The Summary Record of the Eighteenth meeting (Annex 5) of the Plants Committee includes the agreements reached by the Committee in respect of Non-detriment findings for timber species and Prunus africana.

The Plants Committee also agreed to submit a document to the 15th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to present the results on Non-detriment findings for timber, medicinal plants and agarwood.

At its 15th meeting, the Conference of the Parties agreed that the submitted document provided detailed guidance, by group, and should be considered a working framework, with room for improvement based on Parties’ own experiences. A number of the decisiones adopted at CoP 15were aimed at encouraging activities on Non-detriment findings, and the organization of workshops on this subject.

At the 20th meeting of the Plants Committee in 2012, the Committee noted as follows, in reference to timber species, medicinal plants, and agarwood-producing species

“Considering the differences in management and life forms, it would not be appropriate to standardize guidelines for NDFs relating to timber species, Prunus africana,medicinal plants, and agarwood-producing species; accordingly, it would be necessary to establish separate guidelines for these groups”.

Finally, following an in-depth discussion and analysis, the Plants and Animals Committees submitted a a joint paper on Non-detriment findingsl and Addendum to the sixteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties.

The Conference of the Parties adopted, for the first time, a Resolution on Non Detriment Findings, which is crucially important in guaranteeing the sustainability of trade in CITES-listed species.

Conclusions of the Plants Committee regarding tree species

General principles applicable to the CITES NDF process, regardless of the taxa being considered:

Findings (NDFs) for Appendix I and Appendix II species should take the following principles into consideration:

  • Verification that traded volumes within the range State are not detrimental to the survival of the species.
  • The species is maintained throughout its range at a level consistent with its role in the ecosystems in which it occurs..
  • Data requirements are tailored to an appropriate level of precision, in keeping with the resilience or vulnerability of the target species.
  • Implementation of an adaptive management scheme based on regular monitoring is an important consideration in the evaluation process.
  • NDF to be based on resource assessment methodologies.s
  • Use of an appropriate broad-scale assessment, such as total harvest assessments.

Process for making non-detriment findings for timber species and Prunus africana

  • Taxonomy

A valid CITES-recognized name, as shown in the CITES-approved checklists, should be used for species included in the CITES Appendices..

The first step, therefore, is to assess whether the taxonomic circumscription, including authorities and synonyms, is stable or dynamic.

If the status of the taxon is dynamic, then the taxonomy is usually uncertain (e.g., the taxon may consist of several entities, which would have to be assessed separately).

Information sources include published floras, CITES checklist, identification guides, and taxonomic experts.

  • Harvest regimen

When determining whether specimens are taken from a plantation or from the wild:

  • From a Plantation: the NDF can be made relatively quickly given that it is taken for granted that the plantation has been verified by the Management Authority, and the removal of the specimens does not affect populations in the wild, thus implying low risk.
  • From the Wild: a more cautious approach is required, taking into consideration whether the harvest implies removal of the whole tree.
  • If removal of the specimen does not result in the death of the tree (as can be the case for Prunus africana, other medicinal trees, and agarwood-producing species), the guideline of maintaining the resource in the population over time and throughout a recovery period between harvests should be followed, in order to minimize the impact of harvesting on species populations.
  • If removal of the specimen results in the death of the tree, then adherence to comprehensive guidelines (encompassing available information and possible methodologies) is required. The essential elements of such guidelines comprise:
  • characterize the species’ distribution at different spatial and jurisdictional scales so that production and conservation areas can be identified;
  • characterize the species population status (standing stocks and dynamics) to provide standards for evaluating harvest impacts;;
  • determine (based on sufficient knowledge of distribution and population parameters) whether management systems are appropriate for the species populations subject to harvest, and whether projected harvest levels are sustainable;
  • ascertain whether adequate monitoring and verification systems are in place to ensure sustainability of harvest;
  • verify that safeguards are in place to ensure that representative natural populations, and the phenotypic and genetic diversity represented in harvested populations, and the role of the species in the ecosystem are conserved.

ITTO-CITES programme

The ITTO-CITES programme for Implementing CITES Listings of Tropical Trees Species has played a crucial role in the development Non-detriment findings.

During Phase I (2006-2011), 34 activities were carried out in eight countries (Bolivia, Brazil, Cameroon, Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Peru), from three regions (Africa, Asia, and Latin America). Studies focused on highly valuable tree species: Pericopsis elata, Prunus africana, Gonystylus spp. (30 species), Swietenia macrophylla, and Cedrela odorata).

Phase II encompassed: Pericopsis elata; Dalbergia spp. (48 species, 3 rosewood and 45 palisanders), and Diospyros spp. (233 spp.) from Madagascar; Prunus africana; Gonystylus spp. (30 species); Aquilaria spp. (15 species); Gyrinops spp. (8 species); Swietenia macrophylla; Dalbergia retusa and D. stevensonii from Guatemala, and Cedrela odorata. Studies covered approximately 340 highly valuable species.

The number of participant countries increased from the original eight countries to fifteen, and significant progress has been achieved in creating information and capacities for sustainable harvesting and transparent monitoring of the trade in some of the most highly traded CITES-listed tree species.

The list of studies and workshops, as of 1st February 2016, is available on the ITTO website: Programme ITTO-CITES.

Several countries have conducted studies under the Programme on a number of commercially important species using different methodological approaches. Links are shown to the relevant studies on Pericopsis elata, Prunus africana, Gonystylus bancanus, and Swietenia macrophylla that were conducted for the purpose of solving certain necessary issues that arise when making an NDF. These studies are also recommended for consultation.

Título: (ES) Documento en Español
Title: (EN) Document in English
Titre: (FR) Document en Français
Informe sobre Dictámenes de extracción no Perjudicial para Pericopsis elata en Camerún
Non Detriment Findings Report on Pericopsis elata (Fabaceae) in Cameroon (EN)
Rapport sur l'extraction non préjudiciable pour Pericopsis elata au Cameroun
2009 Camerún
Estado actual de Pericopsis elata (Assamela): la producción y gestión en Camerún
State of the art of Pericopsis elata (Assamela): the production and management in Cameroon (EN)
État actuel de Pericopsis elata (Assamela): la production et la gestion au Cameroun
Aplicación de las disposiciones CITES y reglamentos nacionales: el caso de la gestión jurídica de Pericopsis elata en Camerún
Implementing CITES requirements and national regulations: case of Pericopsis elata legal management in Cameroon
Mise en œuvre de la CITES et réglementations nationales: Cas de la gestion juridique de Pericopsis elata au Cameroun (FR)
Distribución espacial de plántulas de Pericopsis elata (Harms) van Meeuwen en la concesión forestal de Green Valley
Spatial distribution of seedlings of Pericopsis elata (Harms) van Meeuwen in Green Valley's forest concession
Distribution spatiale des semis de Pericopsis elata (Harms) van Meeuven dans la concession forestière de Green Green Valley (FR)
Estudio de los factores edáficos favorables para el crecimiento de Pericopsis elata (Harms) van Meeuwen (Assamela) en tres unidades de manejo forestal en la región del Este de Camerún
Study of soil factors favourable to the growth of Pericopsis elata (Harms) van Meeuwen (Assamela) in three forest management units in the East region of Cameroon
Étude des Facteurs du sol favorables à la croissance de Pericopsis elata (Harms) van Meeuwen (Assamela) dans trois unités forestières d´aménagement à l´Est Cameroun (FR)
Contribución al desarrollo sostenible de Assamela/Pericopsis elata (Harms) van Meeuwen): fenología y regeneración natural en plantación y en bosque natural
Contribution to the sustainable development of Assamela/Pericopsis elata (Harms) van Meeuwen): phenology and regeneration in plantation and natural forest
Contribution à la gestion durable de l’Assamela/Pericopsis elata (Harms) van Meeuwen): phenologie et regeneration naturelle en plantation et en foret naturelle (FR)
Evaluación de la productividad de parcelas de Pericopsis elata (Assamela) y prueba de validación de las tasas de cubicación
Assessment of the productivity of Pericopsis elata (Assamela) plots and validity test of the volume tables
Évaluation de la productivité des parcelles de Pericopsis elata (Assamela) et test de validité des tarifs de cubage (FR)
Silvicultura y regeneración natural de Pericopsis elata en plantaciones del Este y Sur de Camerún
Silviculture and natural regeneration of Pericopsis elata in plantations in the East and South regions of Cameroon
Sylviculture et Régénération naturelle de Pericopsis elata (Harms) van Meeuwen en plantation: cas des régions de l’Est et du Sud du Cameroun (FR)
Plan de manejo de plantaciones forestales de Pericopsis elata de Bidou (Kribi)
Management plan of Pericopsis elata forest plantations of Bidou(Kribi)
Plan de gestion des plantations forestières de Pericopsis elata de Bidou (Kribi) (FR)
Gestión sostenible de Pericopsis elata (Assamela) en bosques de producción en Camerún. Estudio del potencial
Sustainable management of Pericopsis elata (Assamela) in production forests in Cameroon. Study of the potential
Gestion durable de Pericopsis elata (Assamela) dans les forêts de production au Cameroun. Etude du potentiel
Proyecto de gestión sostenible de Pericopsis elata (Harms) van Meeuwen (Assamela) en una concesión forestal y rehabilitación de antiguas plantaciones forestales. Informe final sobre los aspectos silvícolas
Project on sustainable management of Pericopsis elata (Harms) van Meeuwen (Assamela) in forestry concession and rehabilitation of old plantations. Final report on the silvicultural aspects
Projet de gestion durable de Pericopsis elata (Harms) van Meeuwen (Assamela) en concession forestiere et rehabilitation des anciennes plantations. Rapport final sur les aspects sylvicoles (FR)
Manejo sostenible de Pericopsis elata en concesiones forestales de Camerún. Informe final
Sustainable management of Pericopsis elata in forest concessions in Cameroon. Final Report
Gestion durable de Pericopsis elata (Assamela) en concession forestière et réhabilation des anciennes plantations au Cameroun (FR)
Compilación y análisis de datos estadísticos sobre los productos a base de Pericopsis elata /Assamela (Fabaceae) en vista de una gestión sostenible en Camerún
Collection and analysis of statistical data on products based on Pericopsis elata /Assamela (Fabaceae) in view of a sustainable management in Cameroon Collecte et analyse des données statistiques sur les produits à base de Pericopsis elata /Assamela (Fabaceae) en vue d´une gestion durable au Cameroun (FR)
Contribución a la gestión de la relación entre hombre - plantaciones forestales en las regiones del Este y Sur de Camerún: el caso de las plantaciones de Pericopsis elata en Bidou II y Deng-Deng
Contribution to the management of conflicts between man - forest plantations in the East and South regions of Cameroon: case of Pericopsis elata plantations in Bidou II and Deng-Deng
Contribution a la gestion des relations homme – plantation forestière dans le Sud et l'Est Cameroun: cas des plantations de Pericopsis elata de Bidou II et Deng-Deng (FR)
Estudio de los factores edáficos favorables para el crecimiento de Pericopsis elata (Harms) van Meeuwen (Assamela) en tres unidades de manejo forestal en la región del Este de Camerún
Study of soil factors favourable to the growth of Pericopsis elata (Harms) van Meeuwen (Assamela) in three forest management units in the East region of Cameroon
Étude des Facteurs du sol favorables à la croissance de Pericopsis elata (Harms) van Meeuwen (Assamela) dans trois unités forestières d´aménagement à l´Est Cameroun (FR)
Taller de capacitación sobre técnicas de vivero y silvicultura para Pericopsis elata
Training workshop on the nursery and sylvicultural techniques for Pericopsis elata
Rapport de l’atelier de formation sur la pépinière et la sylviculture de Pericopsis elata (FR)
Establecimiento de un mecanismo de investigación para la recolección de datos sobre la biología y ecología de Pericopsis elata (Assamela) en Camerún
Settlement of a research design for gathering biological and ecological data on Pericopsis elata (Assamela) in Cameroon
Mise en place d’un dispositif de recherche pour la collecte des données sur la biologie et l’écologie de Pericopsis elata (Assamela) au Cameroun (FR)
Gestión de Pericopsis elata en las concesiones forestales de Camerún
Pericopsis elata management on forestry concessions of Cameroon
Gestion de Pericopsis elata dans les concessions forestières du Cameroun (FR)
Gestión de Pericopsis elata en plantaciones forestales de Camerún
Pericopsis elata management on forestry plantations in Cameroon
Gestion de Pericopsis elata dans les plantations forestières du Cameroun (FR)
Establecimiento de un sistema de seguimiento de la explotación de Assamela en concesiones forestales y capacitación de agentes de control en el uso de instrumentos CITES en Camerún
Settlement of a monitoring system for logging and processing of Afrormosia and training control agents on the use of CITES tools and procedures in Cameroon
Mise en place d’un observatoire de l’exploitation de l’Assamela dans les concessions forestières et formation des agents sur les outils de contrôle CITES au Cameroun (FR)
Compatibilidad y brechas entre las disposiciones CITES y la política nacional sobre Pericopsis elata (Afromosia) en la República del Congo

Compliance/gaps between the CITES and the national policy on Pericopsis elata (Afromosia) in the Republic of Congo

Compatibilité et lacunes entre les dispositions CITES et la politique nationale sur Pericopsis elata (Afrormosia) en République du Congo (FR)
2010 República del Congo

Republic of the Congo

République du Congo
Estado actual de Pericopsis elata en la República del Congo: manejo, producción, transformación y comercio

State-of-the-art of Pericopsis elata in the Republic of Congo: management, production, processing and trade

État actuel de Pericopsis elata au Congo: la gestion, la production, la transformation et le commerce (FR)
2010 República del Congo

Republic of the Congo

République du Congo
Dictámenes de Extracción no Perjudicial de Pericopsis elata en la República del Congo

Non-detriment findings on Pericopsis elata in the Republic of Congo

Avis de commerce non préjudiciable sur Pericopsis elata au Congo (FR)
2011 República del Congo

Republic of the Congo

République du Congo
Instalación y seguimiento de parcelas permanentes para la recolección de datos biológicos y ecológicos de Pericopsis elata (Assamela) - febrero 2013

Settlement and monitoring of permanent plots for gathering biological and ecological data on Pericopsis elata (Assamela) - February 2013

Installation et suivi des parcelles permanentes pour la collecte de données biologiques et écologiques de Pericopsis elata (Assamela) - Février, 2013 (FR)
2013 República del Congo

Republic of the Congo

République du Congo
Implementación piloto de un sistema de trazabilidad de ADN para Pericopsis elata en concesiones forestales y aserraderos en Camerún y Congo. Informe intermedio

Pilot implementation of a DNA traceability system for Pericopsis elata in forest concessions and sawmills in Cameroon and Congo. Progress report

Mise en oeuvre pilote d'un système de traçabilité pour AND de Pericopsis elata dans concessions forestières et scieries au Cameroun et au Congo.
2014 Camerún




Dictámenes de Extracción no Perjudicial para Pericopsis elata en la República Democrática del Congo

Non-detriment finding on Afrormosia [Pericopsis elata (Harms) Meeuwen (Fabaceae)] in the Democratic Republic of Congo (EN)

Avis de commerce non préjudiciable (ACNP) pour Pericopsis elata en RDC
2014 República Democrática del. Congo

Democratic Republic of Congo

République Démocratique du Congo
Título: (ES) Documento en Español
Title: (EN) Document in English
Titre: (FR) Document en Français
Estudio crítico de orientación para un plan nacional de manejo de Prunus africana- Camerún
Critical study of guidance for a national Prunus africana management plan.- Cameroon (EN)
Etude critique des orientations pour un plan de gestion national pour Prunus africana
2010 camerún
Dinámica poblacional y normas de extracción racional de Prunus africana en Camerún
Population dynamics and rational exploitability standards for Prunus africana in Cameroon
Dynamique des populations et normes d’exploitabilite rationnelle de Prunus africana au Cameroun (FR)
Dinámica poblacional y normas de extracción racional de Prunus africana en Camerún
Population dynamics and rational exploitability standards for Prunus africana in Cameroon
Dynamique des populations et normes d’exploitabilite rationnelle de Prunus africana au Cameroun (FR)
Distribución estructural de poblaciones silvestres de Prunus africana en el bosque del Monte Kilum
Structural distribution of wild Prunus africana populations on the Kilum mountain forest (EN)
Distribution structurelle des populations sauvages de Prunus africana de la forêt de Mont Kilum (FR)
Fortalecimiento de la capacidad operativa de los cuerpos CITES / FLORA Camerún, para la gestión sostenible de P. africana
Strengthening the operational capacity of CITES bodies / FLORA in Cameroon, for the sustainable management of P. africana
Renforcement des capacités opérationnelles des organes CITES/FLORE du Cameroun, pour la gestion durable de Prunus africana (FR)
Estudio sobre las medidas reglamentarias para la aplicación de la CITES y las leyes nacionales relativas a la gestión de Prunus africana en Camerún
Study on regulatory measures for the implementation of CITES and national laws relating to the management of Prunus africana in Cameroon
Étude sur le dispositif réglementaire de mise en œuvre de la CITES et des lois nationales en rapport avec la gestion du Prunus africana au Cameroun (FR)
Informe preliminar sobre el aprovechamiento sostenible de Prunus africana en el noroeste de Camerún
Preliminary report on sustainable harvesting of Prunus africana in the north west region of Cameroon (EN)
Rapport préliminaire sur l'exploitation durable de Prunus africana dans la région nord-ouest du Cameroun
Informe preliminar sobre el aprovechamiento sostenible de Prunus africana en los montes Tchabal Gang Daba y Tchabal Mbabo, Camerún
Preliminary report on sustainable harvesting of Prunus africana in the Mounts Tchabal Gang Daba and Tchabal Mbabo, Cameroon (EN)
Rapport préliminaire sur l'exploitation durable de Prunus africana dans les Monts Tchabal Gang Daba et Tchabal Mbabo, Cameroun
Informe preliminar sobre el aprovechamiento sostenible de Prunus africana en el Monte Camerún
Preliminary report on sustainable harvesting of Prunus africana in the Mount Cameroon (EN)
Rapport préliminaire sur l'exploitation durable de Prunus africana dans le Mont Cameroun
Contribución a la gestión sostenible de Prunus africana (Hook.f) Kalkman: Fenología y Regeneración natural en plantaciones y bosques naturales
Contribution to the sustainable management of Prunus africana (Hook.f) Kalkman: Phenology and natural regeneration in plantations and natural forests
Contribution a la gestion durable de Prunus africana (Hook.f.) Kalkman: Phénologie et Régénération naturelle en plantation et en forêt naturelle (FR)
Análisis del impacto de la gestión actual de Prunus africana (Hook.f) Kalkman en el Monte Camerún
Analysis of the impact of the current management of Prunus africana (Hook. F.) Kalkman at Mont Cameroon (South West Region Cameroon)
Analyse de l’impact de la gestion actuelle de Prunus africana (Hook. f.) Kalkman au Mont Cameroun (Région du Sud-Ouest Cameroun) (FR)
Resultados preliminares sobre existencias potenciales de Prunus africana (Rosaceae) en la Provincia de Norte - Kivu, en la República Democrática del Congo
Preliminary results on the potential stand of Prunus africana (Rosaceae) in the Province of North - Kivu in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Premiers resultats sur le potentiel sur pied de Prunus africana (Rosaceae) dans la Province du Nord - Kivu en Republique Democratique du Congo (FR)
2011 República Democrática del. Congo

Democratic Republic of Congo

Démocratique du Congo
Existencias potenciales de Prunus africana (Rosaceae) en la Provincia de Norte - Kivu, en la República Democrática del Congo
Potential stand of Prunus africana (Rosaceae) in the Province of North - Kivu in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Potentiel sur pied de Prunus africana (Rosaceae) dans la zone de Walikake, Province du Nord - Kivu en Republique Democratique du Congo (FR)
mplementación piloto de un sistema de trazabilidad de ADN para Prunus africana en unidades de distribución de Prunus en Camerún y la República Democrática del Congo (RDC)
Pilot Implementation of a DNA traceability system for Prunus africana in Prunus Allocation Units in Cameroon and Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). (EN)
Mise en oeuvre pilote d'un système de traçabilité pour ADN de Prunus africana en unités d'allocation de Prunus au Cameroun et en République démocratique du Congo (RDC).
2016 Camerún


República Democrática del. Congo
Democratic Republic of Congo
République Démocratique du Congo
Título: (ES) Documento en Español
Title: (EN) Document in English
Titre: (FR) Document en Français
Revisión de la literatura sobre Gonystylus spp. distintas de Gonystylus bancanus: Botánica, Ecología y Potencial
Literature Review on Gonystylus spp. other than Gonystylus bancanus: Botany, Ecology and Potency (EN)
Revue de la littérature sur Gonystylus spp. autres que Gonystylus bancanus: Botanique, Ecologie et Potentie
2009 Indonesia
Gonystylus spp. (Ramín): estado de la población, genética y conservación de genes
Gonystylus spp. (Ramin): Population Status, Genetics and Gene Conservation (EN)
Gonystylus spp. (Ramin): Etat de la population, Genetics et Conservation des gènes
Relación genética entre las especies de Gonystylus spp.
Genetic relationship between species of Gonystylus spp.(EN)
Relation génétique entre espèces de Gonystylus spp.
Silvicultura, parcelas de estudio, producción de semillas y propagación de Ramín
Silviculture, study plots, seed production and propagation of Ramin (EN)
Sylviculture, parcelles d'étude, la production de semences et la propagation de Ramin
Guía para la evaluación de un dictamen de extracción no perjudicial para Ramín (Gonystylus spp.)
Guideline for non-detrimental finding assessment on Ramin Gonystylus spp. (EN)
Guide pour l’évaluation d'un avis de commerce non préjudiciable pour Ramin
Revisión del seguimiento de compilación de datos comerciales y control del comercio
Review on trade data collection monitoring and trade control (EN)
Revue sur le surveillance de la collecte des données sur le commerce et le contrôle du commerce
Hoja de ruta hacia la gestión sostenible y conservación de Ramín (Gonystylus spp.)
Roadmap toward Sustainable Management and Conservation of Ramin (Gonystylus spp.) (EN)
Feuille de route vers une gestion durable et la conservation des Ramin
Evaluación de las necesidades de la plantación de Ramín y establecimiento de un jardín para la conservación de los recursos genéticos de Ramín
The assessment of Ramin plantation requirement and the establishment of Ramin genetic resource conservation garden (EN)
L'évaluation des besoins de la plantation du Ramin et l'établissement du a jardin pour conservation des ressources génétiques du Ramin
Guía técnica para la propagación vegetativa del Ramín (Gonystylus bancanus (Miq.) Kurz.)
Technical Guideline for vegetative propagation for Ramin (Gonystylus bancanus (Miq.) Kurz.) (EN)
Guide technique pour la propagation végétative de Ramin (Gonystylus bancanus (Miq.) Kurz.)
Cuantificación de Gonystylus spp. (Ramín), Aquilaria spp. (Agarwood) y Intsia spp. (Merbau) en Malasia peninsular
The quantification of dry and wet inland Gonystylus spp. (Ramin), Aquilaria spp. (Agarwood) and Intsia spp. (Merbau) in Peninsular Malaysia. (EN)
Quantification de Gonystylus spp. (Ramin), Aquilaria spp. (Agarwood) et Intsia spp. (Merbau) en Malaisie péninsulaire.
2008 Malasia
Desarrollo de un sistema de seguimiento de la madera de Ramín utilizando la identificación por radiofrecuencia en Malasia peninsular
The development of Gonystylus spp. (Ramin) timber monitoring system using radio frequency identification (RFID) in Peninsular Malaysia. (EN)
Développement d'un système de surveillance pour le Ramin en utilisant la RFID en Malaisie péninsulaire
Manual del usuario para el sistema de monitoreo de la madera mediante la identificación por radiofrecuencia
User Manual for timber monitoring system using radio frequency identification (EN)
Manuel de l'utilisateur pour le système de surveillance du bois en utilisant l'identification par radiofréquence
Gonystylus bancanus joya de bosque pantanoso de turba
Gonystylus bancanus jewel of the peat swamp forest (EN)
Gonystylus bancanus joyau de la forêt marécageuse de de tourbe
Dictamen de extracción no perjudicial. Informe sobre Gonystylus bancanus - Evaluación cuantitativa de G. bancanus en dos bosques permanentes seleccionados de Sarawak
Non-detriment Findings Report on Gonystylus bancanus – A Quantitative Assessment of G. bancanus in Two Selected Permanent Forests of Sarawak (EN)
Avis de commerce non préjudiciable. Rapport sur Gonystylus bancanus - Évaluation quantitative de G. bancanus dans deux forêts permanentes sélectionnées du Sarawak
Datos hiperespectrales Airborne de alta resolución para el mapeo de la distribución del Ramín en el bosque pantanoso de turba High Resolution Airborne Hyperspectral Data for Mapping of
Ramin Distribution in Peat Swamp Forest (EN)
Données hyperspectrales Airborne à haute résolution pour cartographier la répartition du Ramin dans les forêts marécageuses de tourbe
Generación de mapas de distribución espacial de Gonystylus bancanus (Ramín) utilizando tecnología hiperespectral y determinación del nivel sostenible de extracción de Ramín en bosques de producción de Malasia peninsular
Generation of spatial distribution maps of Gonystylus bancanus (Ramin) using hyperspectral technology and determination of sustainable level of harvest of Ramin in production forests of Peninsular Malaysia (EN)
Génération de cartes de répartition spatiale de Gonystylus bancanus (Ramin) en utilisant la technologie hyperspectrale et détermination du niveau de récolte durable de Ramin dans les forêts de production de Malaisie péninsulaire
Información técnica sobre los regímenes de explotación óptimos de bosques de pantanos de turba en Malasia peninsular Technical information on optimum harvesting regimes of
Peat swamp forests in Peninsular Malaysia (EN)
Informations techniques sur les régimes de récolte optimales de forêts marécageuses de tourbe en Malaisie péninsulaire
Estudio sobre la recuperación de madera aserrada y contrachapada de Ramín (Gonystylus bancanus) en Malasia peninsular
Sawn Timber and Plywood Recovery Study of Ramin (Gonystylus bancanus) in Peninsular Malaysia (EN)
Étude sur le recouvrement du bois sciés et contreplaqués du Ramin (Gonystylus bancanus) en Malaisie péninsulaire
Inducción de tallos de Gonystylus bancanus (Miq.) Kurz (Ramín) en Sarawak
Shoot Induction of Gonystylus bancanus (Miq.) Kurz (Ramin) in Sarawak (EN)
Induction des tiges de Ramin (Miq.) Kurz (Ramin) à Sarawak
Inducción de organogénesis y embriogénesis somática de Gonystylus bancanus (Miq.) Kurz (Ramín) en Sarawak
Induction of Organogenesis and Somatic Embryogenesis of Gonystylus bancanus (Miq.) Kurz (Ramin) in Sarawak (EN)
Induction de l'organogenèse et l'embryogenèse somatique de Ramin (Miq.) Kurz (Ramin) à Sarawak
Establecimiento de cultivo axénico de Gonystylus bancanus (Miq.) Kurz (Ramin) en Sarawak
Axenic Culture Establishment of Gonystylus bancanus (Miq.) Kurz (Ramin) In Sarawak (EN)
Etablissement d' culture axénique de Gonystylus bancanus (Miq.) Kurz (Ramin) à Sarawak
Protocolo estándar de extracción de ADN para especies de Gonystylus
Standard DNA extraction protocol for Gonystylus species (EN)
Protocole standard d'extraction d'ADN pour les espèces Gonystylus
Extracción de ADN a partir de madera de especies de Gonystylus
DNA Extraction from wood of Gonystylus species (EN)
Extraction de l'ADN à partir de bois d'espèces de Gonystylus
Patrón geográfico de variación genotípica de Ramín en Sarawak: Hacia la identificación del origen de la madera
Geographic pattern of genotypic variation of Ramin in Sarawak: Towards the identification of the origin of timber (EN)
Modèle géographique de variation génotypique de Ramin au Sarawak: Vers l'identification de l'origine du boi
Desarrollo de la base de datos de secuencia de ADN de Ramín para la identificación de especies basada en el ADN
Development of DNA Sequence Database of Ramin for DNA-based Species Identification (EN)
Développement de la base de données de séquence d'ADN du Ramin pour identification des espèces à base d'ADN
Desarrollo de una base de datos para la conservación y el uso sostenible de Gonystylus bancanus (Ramín) y Aquilaria malaccensis (Karas) en Malasia
Development of an information database for the conservation and sustainable use of Gonystylus bancanus (Ramin) and Aquilaria malaccensis (Karas) in Malaysia (EN)
Développement d'une base de données pour l'utilisation durable et la conservation de Gonystylus bancanus (Ramin) et Aquilaria malaccensis (Karas) en Malaisie
Bibliografía comentada de publicaciones sobre Ramín y Karas (1927 - 2015)
Annotated bibliography of publications on Ramin and Karas (1927 – 2015) (EN)
Bibliographie commentée de publications sur Ramin et Karas (1927 - 2015)
Manual del usuario. Mi CITES
My CITES user manual (EN)
Manuel de l'utilisateur. Mon CITES
Título: (ES) Documento en Español
Title: (EN) Document in English
Titre: (FR) Document en Français
Densidad poblacional y efecto del aprovechamiento forestal en la regeneración natural y el crecimiento diamétrico de la mara (Swietenia macrophylla King) (ES)
Population density and forest harvesting impact on natural regeneration and diameter growth of mara (Swietenia macrophylla King)
La densité de population et de l'impact de la récolte forestière sur la régénération naturelle et la croissance du diamètre de mara (Swietenia macrophylla King)
2011 Bolivia
Distribución, estructura y dinámica poblacional de la
mara (Swietenia macrophylla King) en Bolivia (ES)
Distribution, structure and population dynamics of the mara (Swietenia macrophylla King) in Bolivia
Distribution, structure et dynamique des populations de la mara (Swietenia macrophylla King) en Bolivie
Manejo de Hypsipyla grandella en plantaciones de Swietenia macrophylla King en los estados de Pará y São Paulo, BrasilManagement of Hypsipyla grandella in Swietenia macrophylla
King plantations in Pará and São Paulo States, Brazil (EN)
Gestion de Hypsipyla grandella dans des plantations de Swietenia macrophylla King dans les États de Pará et de São Paulo, Brésil
2011 Brasil
Ecología y silvicultura de la caoba (Swietenia macrophylla King) en la Amazonia brasileña occidental
Ecology and silviculture of mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla King) in the Western Brazilian Amazon (EN)
Écologie et sylviculture de l'acajou (Swietenia macrophylla King) dans la région occidentale de l'Amazonie brésilienne
Caoba Swietenia macrophylla King
Mahogany Swietenia macrophylla King (EN)
Acajou Swietenia macrophylla King
Influencia de la cal y el boro en el desarrollo de las plantas jóvenes de Swietenia macrophylla cultivadas en Oxisol Amarillo
Influence of liming and boron on development of young Swietenia macrophylla plants grown in Yellow Oxisol (EN)
Influence du chaulage et du bore sur le développement des jeunes plants de Swietenia macrophylla cultivées en Oxisol Jaune
El impacto de los patrones de las precipitaciones anuales y estacionales en el crecimiento y la fenología de las especies arbóreas emergentes en el sureste de la Amazonia, Brasil
The Impact of Annual and Seasonal Rainfall Patterns on Growth and Phenology of Emergent Tree Species in Southeastern Amazonia, Brazil (EN)
L'impact des régimes de précipitations annuelle et saisonnière sur la croissance et phénologie des espèces d'arbres émergents dans le sud-est de l'Amazonie, Brésil
El caso intrigante de Steniscadia poliophaea. La potente polilla enemiga de los árboles de caoba jóvenes en los bosques del Amazonas
The intriguing case of Steniscadia poliophaea. Potent moth enemy of young mahogany trees in Amazon forest (EN)
Le cas intrigant de Steniscadia poliophaea. Puissant mite ennemi de jeunes arbres d'acajou en forêt amazonienne
Managing big-leaf mahogany in natural forests. Lessons learned from the ITTO-CITES Timber Project (EN)
Gestion de l'acajou à grandes feuilles dans les forêts naturelles. Les leçons tirées d’OIBT-CITES Bois Projet
Lista de publicaciones sobre la caoba de hoja ancha (Swietenia macrophylla) en la Amazonia brasileña
List of publications on Big-leaf mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla) in the Brazilian Amazon (EN)
Liste des publications sur acajou à grandes feuilles (Swietenia macrophylla) en Amazonie brésilienne
La caoba de hoja ancha (Swietenia macrophylla) en la Amazonia brasileña: estudios a largo plazo sobre su dinámica poblacional y la ecología de su regeneración con miras a su manejo forestal sostenible
Bigleaf mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla) in the Brazilian Amazon: long-term studies of population dynamics and regeneration ecology towards sustainable forest management (EN)
L'acajou (Swietenia macrophylla) en Amazonie brésilienne: études à long terme sur la dynamique des populations et l’écologie de la régénération pour une gestion forestière durable
Manual del usuario para el modelo de crecimiento y rendimiento de la caoba (ES)
User Manual for the growth and yield model of mahogany
Manuel de l'utilisateur pour le modèle de croissance et de rendement de l'acajou
Dinámica de poblaciones de la caoba de hoja ancha Swietenia macrophylla y las implicaciones para una gestión sostenible
Big-leaf mahogany Swietenia macrophylla population dynamics and implications for sustainable management (EN)
La dynamique des populations d'acajou Swietenia macrophylla et implications pour la gestion durable
Los niveles de nutrientes y la incidencia del ataque de Hypsipyla grandella (Zeller) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) a plantas jóvenes de Swietenia macrophylla King (Meliaceae) expuestas a niveles de cal y boro
Nutrient levels and incidence of Hypsipyla grandella (Zeller) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) attack in young Swietenia macrophylla King (Meliaceae) plants exposed to lime and boron levels (EN)
Les niveaux de nutriments et de l'incidence de l´attaque de Hypsipyla grandella (Zeller) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) pour plantes jeune de Swietenia macrophylla King (Meliaceae) exposés à des niveaux de chaux et de bore
Tablas nacionales de conversión volumétrica de madera en rollo en pie a madera aserrada por calidades según las reglas internacionales de clasificación de madera -NHLA- de la especie de caoba (ES)
National volume tables of standing roundwood to sawnwood, by quality, according to international classification rules -NHLA- wood mahogany species
Les tableaux nationaux de volume de bois rond debout à sciages, par la qualité, conformément aux règles internationales de classification -NHLA- espèces d'acajou du bois
2011 Guatemala
Evaluación de las existencias comerciales y estrategia para el manejo sostenible de la caoba (Swietenia macrophylla) en el Perú (ES)
Evaluation of commercial stocks and strategy for the sustainable management of mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla) in Peru
Évaluation des stocks commerciaux et de la stratégie pour la gestion durable de l'acajou (Swietenia macrophylla) au Pérou
2009 Perú
Diseño, validación y ajuste de la metodología para el seguimiento y evaluación periódica de las parcelas de caracterización de las poblaciones de caoba y cedro en el Perú (ES)
Design, validation and adjustment methodology for monitoring and periodic evaluation of the plots for characterization of mahogany and cedar populations in Peru
Dessin, validation et ajustement de la méthodologie pour le suivi et l'évaluation périodique des parcelles pour la caractérisation des populations d'acajou et de cèdre au Pérou
Manual de verificación de planes operativos anuales para concesiones forestales con fines maderables en el Perú (ES)
Manual for verification of annual operational plans for forest concessions for timber in Peru
Manuel pour la vérification des plans opérationnels annuels pour les concessions forestières de bois au Pérou
Manual para la evaluación de árboles semilleros y la regeneración de Caoba (Swietenia macrophylla King.) y Cedro (Cedrela spp.) (ES)
Manual for evaluation of seed trees and regeneration of Mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla King.) and cedar (Cedrela spp.)
Manuel pour l'évaluation des arbres de semence et la régénération de l'acajou (Swietenia macrophylla King.) et le cèdre (Cedrela spp.)
Evaluación de la recuperación de las poblaciones de Cedro y Caoba en el Perú (ES)
Evaluation of the recovery of populations of cedar and mahogany in Peru
Évaluation du rétablissement des populations de cèdre et d'acajou au Pérou
Evaluación confirmatoria de los inventarios forestales de las especies de cedro y caoba (ES)
Confirmatory assessment of forest inventories of species of cedar and mahogany
Évaluation confirmatoire des inventaires forestiers d'espèces de cèdre et d'acajou


In 2014, Germany submitted two information documents to the 21st meeting of the Plants Committee:Non-detriment Findings – A nine-step process, and Traceability Systems Supporting a Sustainable International Trade in Endangered Species: Example of a System Used in the Timber Sector.

The first information document described a nine-step process to support Scientific Authorities in making Non-detriment findings.

CITES Non-detriment Findings Guidance. A nine-step process.


In 2014, Belgium submitted an information document to the 21st meeting of the Plants Committee:Non-detriment findings for timber imports from Central Africa: stepwise approach to collecting documentation on the carrying capacity of Pericopsis populations.

4. Workshop Initiatives

Presentations (ES)

Regulatory Framework for the management of Holy Wood

Evaluation of Holy Wood population in Alto Paraguay, Boquerón, and Presidente Hayes

Technological validation of Holy Wood growth

Permanent plots for monitoring vegetation

National Forest Monitoring System

Approval Process for Forest Management Plan and Land Use Plan

Holy Wood in Argentina

Holy Wood in Bolivia

Non-detriment finding for Holy Wood

Administrative procedures for issuing CITES Certificates

Extracts, background, collection, production process, and exports

Links between ITTO and CITES

CITES in the European Union

Conclusions from the Workshop on Holy Wood

  • Germany, 2015. Workshop on Non-Detriment Findings for Imports of CITES-listed Timber into the EU. [Not available]